September is suicide prevention month. Call someone.
Share your experiences. Establish those lines of communication and remind
people that they matter.
Dr. Charlie Stenger, a World War II Army
Veteran, was awarded the Prisoner of War Medal by Lt. Gen. James C.
McConville, Army G-1, last month at Stenger’s Maryland home. Stenger
worked at VA helping other POWs for three decades.
Gene was drafted into the Army medical corps on September 10, 1956.
He trained at Fort Sam Houston, then was assigned to the Department of
Psychiatry and Neurology at Valley Forge Army Hospital, and worked as a paramedic.
Nominate a special Veteran as
easy to nominate a Veteran. All it takes is an email to us with as much
information as you can put together. Click on the picture to the left for
an overview of how to put together a great #VeteranOfTheDay package.