Veterans Health Care
May 16, 2024
Veteran finds stability through VA programs
service members struggling to transition from military to civilian
life, VA offers a wide range of resources. The VA homeless program helps
find stable homes for Veterans like Nicalayae Buford.
When this Veteran developed a heart problem, VA Connecticut didn't miss a beat
Vietnam Veteran Chuck Beebe developed heart problems decades after
enrolling in VA care, his local VA treated him, kept him overnight and
connected him with a cardiologist the next day.
Impersonation is everywhere: Guard yourself!
might look official—and even include the VA seal or logo—but unless the
image or post links to a .gov official website (like VA.gov or
USAJobs.gov) or official social media channels, it’s not from VA.
NCA adds options for commemorative plaques and urns
June 10, families of deceased and cremated Veterans can apply to
receive commemorative plaques or urns from VA if they do not want to
inter their loved ones in a VA National Cemetery or receive a
government-furnished headstone, marker or medallion for placement in any