October 2020
Veterans Benefits Newsletter
Register for Our Webcast
into all things benefits with the Under Secretary for Benefits, Paul R.
Lawrence, Ph.D. in the upcoming webcast on October 29. VBA’s efforts
and accomplishments have made this our #BestYearEver. In FY20, VBA met
or exceeded its performance goals and objectives, despite a challenging
year. Register online to receive a reminder about the webcast!
Share Your Veteran Story
invited to share your story or the story of a Veteran close to you! We
want to hear about your service in the military, achievements, families,
the transition to civilian, and your life as a Veteran. Send us your stories and pictures to be featured as a daily Veteran tribute in November in celebration of Veterans Month!
Disability Claims for PTSD
mental illnesses, like posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), qualify
for VA disability. If you're a Veteran with a mental illness, you may be
eligible for disability compensation benefits. Learn more about mental health claim exams.
Team RWB – Keeping Veterans Connected
year, more than 250,000 active-duty Service members transition out of
the military to join the multitude of Veteran communities nationwide.
Transitioning Service members, however, face many challenges to their
physical and mental wellbeing. This is why Team Red, White & Blue (RWB) is
dedicated to connecting Veterans communities through physical and
social activity. Tackle challenges by joining Team RWB’s virtual
activities, like meditation and yoga. Some chapters are also offering
in-person events that adhere to safety restrictions (e.g., no more than
10 people, social distancing, etc.).
Fighting the Flu Together
Getting your flu shot is
the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from the flu.
Veterans enrolled in VA health care can receive a no-cost flu shot at
over 60,000 community locations. Find the nearest location to
get your flu shot today!