On Dec. 15, at a ceremony at the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C., one skilled Veteran became this
year’s recipient of the Transition Trucking: Driving for Excellence Award,
which included keys to a fully-loaded Kenworth T680 truck.
a new Food Donation program, VA Black Hills Health Care System is doing its
part to improve access to high quality protein foods
by taking unused food and distributing it to Veterans in the community.
Lanny enlisted in the Army in 1966. He was
later assigned to combat service from 1969 until 1970 in the Vietnam War.
Nominate a special Veteran as
easy to nominate a Veteran. All it takes is an email to us with as much
information as you can put together. Click on the picture to the left for
an overview of how to put together a great #VeteranOfTheDay package.