Veterans Health Care
April 25, 2024
Manage your VA care while traveling
travel often requires health care planning. Use these five tips to
ensure your VA health care needs are met while on the go.
A caregiver’s journey with advance care planning
support from VA, Vietnam Veteran Rick Tupper's wife can attend
Caregiver Support classes, like VA Advance Care Planning via Group
Visits. In this class, caregivers learn about planning for their
Veteran’s future health care needs.
who have PTSD may be more likely to engage in behaviors that increase
their risk of contracting HIV. VA provides integrated health
psychologists who can help Veterans with HIV address their specific
Doctor encourages Veterans to get a colonoscopy
could have polyps or colorectal cancer and not know it. That is why
getting screened regularly for colorectal cancer is so important. It
doesn’t matter who you are, what your job is or what you look like. You
need to get it done because it really prevents and decreases mortality.”