Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28, 2010 - Coalition forces conducted a precision air strike in Afghanistan's Khost province today targeting a senior Haqqani terrorist leader who directs attacks against Afghan and coalition forces and reports directly to Haqqani Network senior leadership, military officials reported.
The targeted man also established enemy positions to target coalition aircraft, officials said.
Based on intelligence reports, coalition forces tracked the senior leader to a remote area in the province's Nadir Shah Kot district. After verifying insurgent activity and ensuring no civilians were present, coalition forces conducted the precision air strike, killing one insurgent.
International Security Assistance Force officials are gathering information to assess the results of the strike.
In other news from Afghanistan:
-- A partnered Afghan and coalition security force targeting the Taliban shadow governor for Kandahar province detained numerous suspected insurgents today. Intelligence tips led the combined force to a series of compounds in the Spin Boldak district to search for the shadow governor. A group of suspected insurgents, some armed and wearing masks, tried to escape, and the security force pursued and detained them peacefully. The security force found 500 pounds of marijuana, bomb-making materials, automatic weapons, grenades, rocket-propelled grenade boosters and a significant amount of assault-rifle ammunition at the scene and detained more than 10 suspected insurgents.
-- An Afghan and coalition security force today captured a Taliban leader responsible for mortar attacks on Forward Operating Base Shank and direct-fire attacks on coalition forces operating in Logar province's Baraki Barak district, along with two of his associates. The security force also found and destroyed a rocket-propelled grenade and booster during the intelligence-driven operation.
-- An Afghan and coalition security force targeting a Taliban leader who handles reconnaissance for the Taliban network operating in Paktika province's Yahya Khel district detained several suspected insurgents in an intelligence-driven operation today.
-- In Khost province's Shamul district today, a combined security force acting on intelligence information detained numerous suspected insurgents while searching for a Haqqani facilitator responsible for moving supplies and bomb-making materials for distribution to foreign fighters and Haqqani-affiliated networks.
-- Afghan and coalition forces today detained two suspected insurgents during a multi-day clearing operation aimed at disrupting the Taliban's freedom of movement in Kandahar province's Khakrez district. The operation began Oct. 26 and ended today.
-- In Kandahar province's Zharay district today, a local civilian brought six 155 mm empty shell casings to an ISAF compound and told coalition forces the location of additional weapons. Afghan and coalition forces went to the location and recovered three roadside bombs, a grenade, hundreds of 7.62 mm rounds, two mortar rounds and a voltage meter.
-- Also in Zharay today, Afghan and coalition forces found about 30 pressure plates and charges. Exploitation of that site continues, officials said. Elsewhere in the district, an Afghan and coalition patrol found three 100-pound bags of homemade explosives.
-- In Kandahar's Arghandab district, coalition forces found three jugs of homemade explosives, three rocket-propelled grenades, numerous 7.62 mm rounds and a blasting cap.
Officials said Afghan and coalition forces protected any women and children present during the operations.
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