Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, June 17, 2013 - A combined Afghan and coalition security force arrested two extremists during a search for a Taliban leader in the Sar-e Pul district of Afghanistan's Sar-e Pul province yesterday, military officials reported.
The Taliban leader oversees a group responsible for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces, facilitates the movement of weapons throughout northern Afghanistan and collects illegal taxes from civilians to fund extremist activities.
In June 15 Afghanistan operations:
-- A combined force in Logar province's Muhammad Aghah district killed five extremists and wounded another during a search for a senior Taliban leader who plans, enables and executes attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He also facilitates the movement of improvised explosive device materials, weapons and equipment and supplies extremists with suicide bombs.
-- In Paktia province's Sayyid Karam district, a combined force killed four extremists and wounded another during a search for a senior Haqqani network leader who commands extremist cells that attack Afghan and coalition forces. He also facilitates the movement of fighters within Paktia and Khost provinces and coordinates directly with senior Taliban leadership.
-- A combined force in Logar province's Muhammad Aghah district killed two extremists during a search for a Haqqani network leader who oversees ambushes and complex attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He procures IED components, builds IEDs and trains extremists in their use. He also plans suicide IED attacks against Afghan government officials and facilitates the distribution of mines, IEDs, and weapons to extremist cells.
-- Afghan local and uniformed police found and neutralized an IED in Logar province's Baraki Barak district. The national security directorate received a tip about a possible IED and passed the information to the district police chief, who assembled a patrol that found and neutralized the IED after ensuring the safety of nearby civilians.
-- A combined force in Paktia province's Sayyid Karam district killed an extremist and wounded two others during a search for a Haqqani network leader who oversees an IED network.
In June 14 operations:
-- Afghan local police found and destroyed six IEDs in Kandahar province's Panjw'i district while patrolling around a newly established checkpoint.
-- Afghan special forces soldiers, advised by coalition forces, detained
three enemy fighters in Farah province's Bala Boluk district during an operation
designed to disrupt Taliban activity.
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