Afghan Force Kills 20 Enemy Fighters in Paktika Province

Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases

WASHINGTON, June 3, 2013 - An Afghan quick-reaction force killed 20 enemy fighters and detained another while responding to an attack on a local police checkpoint in the Orgun-e district of Afghanistan's Paktika province yesterday, military officials reported.

The Afghan force engaged an unknown number of enemies shortly after being dispatched by the district operations center, officials said.

In other Afghanistan operations yesterday:

-- A combined Afghan and coalition security force in Nangarhar province's Khugyani district arrested a Taliban leader who has conducted numerous attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He also coordinates the movement of weapons and fighters and performs limited intelligence duties for local Taliban networks.

-- In the Helmand province city of Lashkar Gah, a combined force arrested a Taliban leader who controls a group responsible for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He also is involved in the construction and emplacement of improvised explosive devices, facilitates the movement of weapons and receives guidance from senior Taliban officials for dissemination to front-line fighters. The security force also arrested another enemy fighter and seized ammunition and five assault-rifle magazines.

In June 1 operations:

-- A Haqqani network leader was killed in Paktia province's Gardez district. Faizullah, also known as Shahab, conducted IED attacks and intimidation campaigns targeting Afghan and coalition forces. He facilitated the movement of weapons and military equipment and was responsible for kidnapping operations and coordinating with senior Haqqani leaders.

-- In Zabul province's Shah Joy district, local police and coalition forces seized and destroyed three rifles, two pistols, a 107 mm rocket, a machine gun, a shotgun and assorted ammunition.

-- A combined force in Helmand province's Marjah district arrested a Taliban leader who is responsible for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He also is involved in the construction of vehicle-borne IEDs and provides operational reports to other Taliban fighters. The security force also seized a mortar round and an assault rifle.

-- In Kandahar province's city of Kandahar, a combined force arrested an enemy fighter during a search for a Taliban leader who controls a group responsible for coordinating attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He also has directed assassinations of Afghan civilians and has facilitated the movement of weapons.

-- A combined force in Nangarhar province's Khugyani district arrested two enemy fighters during a search for a senior Taliban leader who oversees a group involved in ambushes, IED operations and complex attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He also facilitates the movement of weapons and serves as an intelligence operative for senior Taliban officials. The security force also seized 8 pounds of opium.

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