From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release
KABUL, Afghanistan, May 31, 2013 - A combined Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban facilitator in the Chimtal district of Afghanistan's Balkh province yesterday, military officials reported.
The facilitator handles movement of explosives and weapons for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He also collects illegal taxes from civilians to pay for weapons and controls a cell responsible for numerous attacks in the area.
In other Afghanistan operations yesterday:
-- A combined force in Kandahar province's Khakrez district killed an enemy fighter during a search for a senior Taliban leader who directs and executes attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He also teaches other insurgents how to make roadside bombs, distributes vests for suicide-bomb attacks, and coordinates the distribution of bombs, weapons and equipment for Taliban groups in the province.
-- In Logar province's Khoshi district, a combined force killed an enemy fighter during a search of a Haqqani network leader who coordinates and directs attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He also controls several Haqqani groups in the area and has directed assassinations of local Afghans.
-- A combined force in Paktia province's Zurmat district wounded an enemy
fighter during a search for a Haqqani network leader responsible for kidnappings
for ransom and for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
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