From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News
KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 19, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban leader in Kunduz province today, military officials reported. The arrested Taliban leader is suspected of being involved in planning and executing improvised explosive device attacks as well as weapons and explosives facilitation, officials said. In Oct. 16 operations: -- A combined force killed a number of insurgents during a firefight in Wardak province. One combined force member was wounded. -- Taliban leader Belal Khan was killed during an operation in Nangarhar province. Belal Khan, also known as Auzibullah, commanded dozens of Taliban fighters and was responsible for directing attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. And, a Taliban leader was arrested during an Oct. 14 security operation in
Helmand province. The arrested Taliban leader commanded IED cells throughout
central Helmand province. The security force also detained a number of suspected
insurgents and seized some illegal narcotics as a result of the
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