From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News
KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 3, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force killed the leader of a Taliban improvised explosive device cell in the Alisheng district of Afghanistan's Laghman province today, military officials reported. Rohullah Kahoon was linked to multiple attacks against Afghan and coalition forces using IEDs, rocket-propelled grenades, rockets and mortars, officials said. In the weeks prior to his death, the Taliban leader reportedly had been stockpiling weapons for future attacks, including ammunition and explosives, officials said. After identifying Rohullah Kahoon and a group of armed insurgents, officials said, the security force engaged them with a precision airstrike, which killed the Taliban leader and three other insurgents. A post-strike assessment determined no civilians were harmed and no civilian property was damaged, officials said. In operations yesterday: -- A combined force captured a Haqqani network leader and weapons financier and detained two suspects in the Pul-e Alam district of Logar province. The detained Haqqani leader is believed to have overseen the acquisition and distribution of rockets, heavy weapons, assault rifles, explosives and body armor to support insurgent operations. Prior to his capture, the weapons financier reportedly had purchased missiles to be used in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. -- A combined patrol discovered nearly a dozen IEDs in the Panjwai district of Kandahar province. While recovering the IEDs, the combined force was fired on by insurgents. The security force returned fire, forcing the insurgents to break contact. The IEDs, which totaled 55 pounds of homemade explosives, were destroyed. |
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