Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a
Taliban leader in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Afghanistan's Helmand province
today, military officials reported.
At the time of his arrest, officials said, the Taliban leader was in the
process of acquiring heavy weapons and explosives for future attacks.
-- In the Chimtal district of Balkh province, a combined force detained one suspect during a search for a senior Taliban leader. The senior leader funds insurgent operations and coordinates attacks throughout the district. -- A combined force detained numerous suspects during an operation to arrest a Taliban leader in the Nad-e Ali district of Helmand province. The Taliban leader oversees insurgent activity in the area and provides heavy weapons, improvised explosive devices and ammunition to Taliban-associated insurgents throughout the district. -- A combined force detained several suspects during an operation to arrest a Taliban leader in the Muqer district of Ghazni province. The Taliban leader is responsible for coordinating Taliban attacks throughout the area. In other news, officials announced yesterday that Haji Shakur, a Taliban leader in the Chora and Baluchi districts of Uruzgan province, was one of the suspects arrested during a July 31 operation in the Tarin Kot district of Uruzgan province. The operation was conducted by an Afghan security force supported by coalition troops. Shakur was a mid-level Taliban leader who controlled dozens of insurgent fighters and is responsible for conducting a number of insurgent attacks in both Chora and Baluchi districts. He provided those under his control with ammunition and weapons, and was involved in recruiting local Afghans from the area for the Taliban. Shakur was also an explosives expert responsible for building IEDs used to attack Afghan and coalition forces. In operations around Afghanistan yesterday: -- A combined force detained an insurgent during a route clearance operation in Ghanzi province's Gelan district. -- In Ghanzi province, a combined force killed an insurgent during a small-arms engagement in the Muqer district. -- In Kapisa province, a coalition airstrike killed 10 insurgents in the Tagab district. -- In Khost province, a combined force found and cleared an IED in the Sabari district and another in the Terezayi district. -- A combined force killed six insurgents during a small-arms engagement in Logar province's Kharwar district. -- In Logar province's Baraki Barak district, a combined force killed an insurgent who was emplacing an IED. -- A combined force found and cleared an IED in Nangarhar province's Rodat district. -- A combined force found and cleared an IED in Paktika province's Bermal
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