Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases WASHINGTON, Aug. 6, 2012 - A coalition airstrike killed several insurgents during a search for a Taliban leader in the Achin district of Afghanistan's Nangarhar province today, military officials reported. During the operation, an armed group of insurgents attempted to attack the Afghan and coalition troops, officials said. The security force positively identified the armed insurgents and engaged them with a precision airstrike. While conducting a post-strike assessment, the security force confirmed the strike had killed several of the insurgent attackers, officials said. The security force also confirmed the strike had not injured any civilians or damaged any civilian property. The security force detained one suspected insurgent. Also today in the Terayzai district of Khost province, an Afghan-led, coalition-supported force detained several suspects during a search for a Haqqani leader. The sought-after Haqqani leader has conducted several attacks against Afghan and coalition forces in recent months. He also is responsible for acquiring weapons for insurgents in the province. In operations yesterday: -- Haqqani network leader Hakimi was killed by a coalition airstrike in the Muhammad Aghah district of Logar province. Hakimi had served directly under the Haqqani leader for the Muhammad Aghah district and was directly involved in the transport of explosives and weapons to insurgents throughout the region. The airstrike did not injure any civilians or damage civilian property. -- A coalition airstrike killed several insurgents during a search for a Haqqani leader in the Tsamkani district of Paktia province. The airstrike did not injure any civilians or damage any civilian property. -- In Ghanzi province, a combined force found and cleared an improvised explosive device in the Gelan district and cleared another IED in the Ghazni district. -- A combined force detained five insurgents who were emplacing an IED in Khost province's Sabari district. -- A combined force detained five insurgents in Khost province's Gurbuz district. -- A combined force discovered an ammunition cache in Khost province's Sabari district. -- In Nangarhar province, a combined force detained two insurgents who were emplacing an IED in the Bati Kot district. -- A combined force killed two insurgents and wounded two others in the Jani Khel district of Paktika province. -- In Wardak province, a combined force found and cleared an IED in the Sayyidabad district and another in the Maidan Shahr district. -- A combined force detained an insurgent who was found with IED-making materials in Wardak province's Maidan Shahr district. -- In the Baraki Barak district of Logar province, a combined force killed an insurgent, detained several suspects and seized multiple weapons during an operation to arrest a Taliban leader. In other news, Mufti Assad, also known as Mufti Punjabi, Abdul Qudus and
Sufyan, the al-Qaida network leader for Kunar province, was killed Aug. 3 in an
airstrike in the Watahpur district of Kunar province. Assad led dozens of
al-Qaida affiliated fighters throughout eastern Afghanistan and provided IED
training to insurgents. Yusuf, Assad's al-Qaida network deputy, also was killed
in the airstrike. Yusuf, also known as Omar and Rayhman, was an IED expert who
directed insurgent attacks across eastern Afghanistan.
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