Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases WASHINGTON, July 13, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force killed several insurgents and detained multiple suspected insurgents during an operation to apprehend a high-level Haqqani network leader in the Giyan district of Afghanistan's Paktika province today, military officials reported. During the operation, officials said, the security force was attacked by a group of armed insurgents who fired at them with assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades. The security force returned fire and killed several of the attackers. No civilians were harmed in the exchange, officials said. In other Afghanistan operations today: -- In the Andar district of Kunduz province, a combined force killed one insurgent, detained numerous suspects, and seized multiple firearms and grenades during a search for a Taliban military leader. -- A combined force detained several suspects during a search for a high-level Taliban leader in the Charkh district of Logar province. The leader reports directly to the province's senior Taliban leader and provides insurgents with weapons and other lethal aid for use in attacks against Afghan and coalition troops. In July 12 operations: -- A combined force found and cleared an improvised explosive device in Ghazni province's Ghazni district. -- In Nangarhar province's Surkh Rod district, combined forces detained three insurgents in two incidents of finding IEDs. The area was cleared of explosives. -- In Paktika province, combined forces cleared one IED each in the Jani Khel, Shwak and Sayyid Karam districts. -- A combined force detained an insurgent in Paktiya province's Sayyid Karam district. |
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