Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases WASHINGTON, July 2, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force detained a Taliban leader in the Panjwa'i district of Afghanistan's Kandahar province today, military officials reported. The Taliban leader directed attacks throughout northern Kandahar, in addition to supplying weapons and explosives to other insurgents operating in the region, officials said. Officials said the security force also detained two suspected insurgents during the operation. In other Afghanistan operations today: -- In the Ghazni district of Ghazni province, a combined force apprehended a Taliban improvised explosive device specialist, killed one insurgent, detained two suspects and seized multiple firearms, grenades and explosives. The detained IED expert coordinated and conducted attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout the region. -- A combined force detained several suspects during a search for a Taliban leader in the Maidan Shahr district of Wardak province. The leader coordinates insurgent activity, transports weapons, and facilitates attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. In July 1 Afghanistan operations: -- In the Deh Rawud district of Uruzgan province, a combined force discovered a drug cache containing 33,660 pounds of hashish and detained three suspects. The drugs were destroyed. -- A combined force-requested airstrike killed numerous insurgents during a search for an al-Qaida leader in the Watahpur district of Kunar province. The al-Qaida leader trains other insurgents operating in Kunar, Nuristan and Laghman provinces. No civilians were harmed and no civilian property was damaged during the operation. -- In Paktika province's Yosuf Khel district, a combined force responded when an insurgent self-detonated an improvised explosive, killing himself in the process. Coalition forces detained one suspect. -- A combined force killed nine insurgents during a firefight in Paktika province's Bermal district. -- An insurgent self-detonated an improvised explosive, killing himself in the process, in Nagarhar province's Rodat district. -- A combined force detained one suspect in Logar province's Charkh district. -- A combined force killed nine insurgents during a firefight in Kunar province's Watahpu district. -- A combined force detained two suspects in Khowst province's Bak district. -- A combined force detained a Haqqani leader, killed one insurgent, captured two other insurgents and seized multiple grenades and an AK-47 rifle in the Nerkh district of Wardak province. -- A combined force killed several insurgents during a firefight in the Sar-e Pul district of Sar-e Pul province. -- In the Nad 'Ali district of Helmand province, a combined force detained multiple suspects and seized several weapons during a search for a senior Taliban leader. The Taliban leader controls insurgents in the Nawah-ye Barakzai, Washer and Nad 'Ali districts. -- A combined force detained a Taliban weapons specialist as well as two other suspects and seized explosives in the Ghazni district of Ghazni province. In June 30 operations: -- In the Ahmadabad district of Paktiya province, a combined force-requested airstrike killed numerous insurgents during a search for a Haqqani leader. The airstrike caused no civilian injuries or property damage. -- A combined force detained three insurgents in Paktiya province's Jaji Maidan district. -- A combined force detained three insurgents in Paktiya province's Yousef Khel district. -- A combined force detained one insurgent in Khowst province's Khowst district. -- A combined force detained six insurgents in Ghazni province's Muqer
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