Compiled from International Security Assistance Force and ISAF Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, June 13, 2012 - Combined Afghan-coalition forces seized 1,180 pounds of hashish during operations conducted over the past two days in the Panjwai district of Afghanistan's Kandahar province, military officials reported. An Afghan-coalition patrol discovered more than 220 pounds of hashish in the Panjwai district today, officials said. Yesterday, officials said, combined patrols discovered drug caches totaling more than 960 pounds of hashish and detained one suspected insurgent in the same district. Drug samples were collected and the hashish was burned at both sites, officials said. Also yesterday, Marine Corps Gen. John R. Allen, commander of the International Security Assistance Force and U.S. Forces-Afghanistan, gave the order to coalition forces that no aerial munitions will be delivered against civilian dwellings in Afghanistan. This measure, officials said, is a further step in U.S.-coalition efforts to protect the lives of Afghan civilians. Other conventional methods will be deployed against the insurgents, in coordination with Afghan National Security Forces, officials said. As always, Afghan and coalition forces retain the inherent right to use aerial munitions in self-defense if no other options are available, officials said. |
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