Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, April 9, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force seized more than 2 tons of a roadside-bomb ingredient and detained several suspected insurgents in the Zurmat district of Afghanistan's Paktia province yesterday, military officials reported.
The security force found about 4,650 pounds of ammonium nitrate -- a fertilizer banned by the Afghan government because it can be used to make explosives as well as other bomb-making components, officials said.
In other Afghanistan operations yesterday:
-- A combined force seized about 2,200 pounds of opium and detained two suspects in the Nad-e Ali district of Helmand province.
-- In Helmand's Marjah district, a coalition force seized about 640 pounds of opium.
-- Combined forces captured 10 suspects and seized nearly 5,000 pounds of materials used to make bombs during separate operations in eastern Afghanistan.
-- A combined force captured a Haqqani network facilitator in the Pul-e Alam district of Logar province.
-- In the Pashtun Kot district of Faryab province, a combined force detained two insurgents and seized assault rifles, a grenade and bomb-making components while searching for a Taliban leader.
-- In Paktia's Zurmat district, a combined force detained two suspects while searching for a Taliban leader.
In April 7 operations:
-- In the Warduj district of Badakhshan province, a combined force called in an airstrike that killed Shamsuddin, a senior Taliban leader. Shamsuddin was associated with multiple recent insurgent attacks in Warduj, including an April 2 attack on an Afghan National Police checkpoint in which three policemen were killed and 11 were captured. In December, Shamsuddin directed an attack against Aq Shirah village that left four Afghan policemen dead.
-- Combined forces killed nine insurgents and captured six others during separate operations in eastern Afghanistan.
-- A combined force captured an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan facilitator, killed several other insurgents, detained another suspect and destroyed assault rifles and bomb-making materials in the Almar district of Faryab province. The facilitator provided funds for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- A coalition force found 15 mortars, two rocket-propelled grenades and several rockets in the Shindand district of Herat province.
-- A combined force detained multiple suspects while searching for a Taliban leader in the Zharay district of Kandahar province. The leader directs roadside bombings and other attacks against Afghan and coalition forces in the Zharay and Panjwai districts.
-- An Afghan-led and coalition-supported force detained several suspects and destroyed weapons and grenades during a search for a Haqqani leader in the Khost district of Khost province. The leader conducts roadside bombings and other attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
In other news, combined forces killed three insurgents and captured five others during separate April 6 operations in eastern Afghanistan.
And, earlier in the week, a combined force killed Osmani Sahib, a senior Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader, in the Almar district of Faryab province. Osmani was recently promoted to replace Makhdum Nusrat as the highest-ranking IMU insurgent in Afghanistan after Makhdum was killed. The security force also captured two suspects and destroyed assault rifles and bomb-making materials.
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