Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
KABUL, Afghanistan, March 13, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force captured a Haqqani network leader during a March 11 operation in the Sabari district of Afghanistan's Khost province, military officials reported.
The leader directed attacks against Afghan and coalition security forces in the Bak and Sabari districts, and supplies weapons to insurgents, officials said.
The security force detained three additional suspected insurgents during the operation.
In March 10 Afghanistan operations:
-- An Afghan provincial response team with coalition mentors detained an improvised explosive device manufacturer in the Nerkh district of Wardak province. The man is believed responsible for a roadside bombing attack against Afghan and coalition forces in the Shinwar district of Parwan province. IED components were linked to the suspect and led to Afghan judicial officials issuing a warrant for his arrest.
-- Afghan and coalition forces seized weapons and narcotics and destroyed a production facility in the Achin district of Nangarhar province. During the Afghan-planned and led operation, the security force discovered a compound with narcotic-processing equipment and 110 pounds of opium. The drugs and production material were destroyed on-site, along with a weapons cache of rocket-propelled grenades the security forces discovered.
In March 9 Afghanistan operations:
-- An Afghan provincial response team supported by coalition forces captured a senior Taliban leader in the Bati Kot district of Nangarhar province. The leader was responsible for distributing IEDs and directing insurgent attacks against coalition forces and supply convoys.
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