Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, March 5, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force captured a Taliban leader March 3 in the Chahar Darah district of Afghanistan's Kunduz province, military officials reported.
The leader directed the emplacement of roadside bombs and provided weapons and funds to insurgents in the area, officials said.
In other March 3 Afghanistan operations:
-- A combined force found almost 20,000 pounds of explosive-making compounds in the Behsud district of Nangarhar province.
-- In the Zharay district of Kandahar province, a combined force detained several suspects while searching for a Taliban leader who coordinates insurgent activities and provides logistical support to the Taliban between Kandahar City and the Herat area.
-- An Afghan security unit killed one insurgent, detained two suspects and confiscated firearms and ammunition in the Kunduz district of Kunduz province.
In March 2 operations:
-- A combined force found 500 feet of detonation cord, 60 pressure plates and two chest rigs in the Musa Qalah district of Helmand province.
-- An Afghan-led and coalition-supported force found about 29 pounds of opium, 44 pounds of hashish and 220 pounds of marijuana seeds in Nangarhar's Achin district. The security force destroyed a portion of the drugs and confiscated the rest for later destruction.
In March 1 operations:
-- A combined force found about 4,732 pounds of opium and 53 pounds of heroin and detained several suspects in Helmand's Marjah district
-- A combined force captured an insurgent commander and two suspects in Uruzgan's Tarin Kot district.
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