From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release
KABUL, Afghanistan, Feb. 22, 2012 - Coalition and Afghan security forces captured three Taliban leaders and multiple other insurgents in Afghanistan's Helmand province today, military officials reported.
A combined unit of Afghan and International Security Assistance Force members captured several insurgents in the southern province's Lashkar Gar district, including a Taliban operator who distributed bomb-making materials in the tri-border region of Nahr-e Saraj, Lashkar Gah and Maiwand districts.
Also in the Nahr-e Saraj district, a combined force captured two Taliban leaders. One coordinated bomb attacks, and the other directed insurgent fighters and distributed weapons for use in attacks against coalition forces.
In eastern Afghanistan today, coalition forces in Logar province's Pul-e Alam district captured a Taliban operator who acquired weapons for insurgent fighters in Wardak province's Nerkh district.
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