Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, Feb. 2, 2012 - An Afghan and coalition security force captured a Taliban leader and detained an additional suspected insurgent during an operation in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Afghanistan's Helmand province today, military officials reported.
The leader directed roadside-bomb attacks against Afghan forces throughout the district, officials said.
In Afghanistan operations yesterday:
-- In the Darah-ye district of Kunar province, a combined patrol found and destroyed about 880 pounds of hashish.
In Jan. 31 operations:
-- An Afghan-led and coalition-supported force detained two suspects and seized and destroyed two anti-tank mines, heavy machine gun ammunition and bomb components in the Bati Kot district of Nangarhar province.
In Jan. 29 operations:
-- In the Zharay district of Kandahar province, Afghan soldiers and police turned in three weapons caches to coalition troops. The first included a used artillery shell containing about 10 pounds of homemade explosive, some pressure-plates, two jugs of explosives, four rocket-propelled grenades, three 82 mm recoilless rifle rounds, two Chinese 60 mm mortar rounds, and other weapon components. The second consisted of 12 82 mm rockets and a tripod. The third cache contained two jugs of explosives, two pressure plates and two rocket-propelled-grenade warheads.
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