Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9, 2012 - A combined Afghan and coalition security force captured two Taliban facilitators and detained a suspected insurgent in the Khugyani district of Afghanistan's Nangarhar province today, military officials reported.
The facilitators distributed weapons and supplies to insurgent fighters and coordinated attacks throughout the district. The security force confiscated multiple weapons during the operation.
In other news in Afghanistan today:
-- In Helmand province's Nahr-e Saraj district, a combined force captured a Taliban leader who directed the placement of roadside bombs and coordinated attacks against coalition forces. The force also seized about 10 pounds of hashish.
-- An Afghan-led and coalition-supported security force in Khost province's Bak district captured a Haqqani network leader and detained multiple suspected insurgents. The leader distributed bomb-making materials, planted roadside explosives and organized insurgent fighters for attacks against Afghan forces. The security force also confiscated weapons.
-- In Wardak province's Maidan Shahr district, a combined force captured a Taliban facilitator who planted roadside bombs and acquired ammunition and bomb-making materials for insurgent fighters.
In Afghanistan yesterday:
-- A combined force in Kandahar province's Panjwai district found 5,500 pounds of marijuana and 3,410 pounds of hashish. Some of the drugs were confiscated as evidence and the rest were destroyed at the scene without incident.
-- In Kandahar province's Maiwand district, a combined force confiscated about 398 pounds of marijuana and 16 homemade-bomb components. The drugs and components will be destroyed at a later date.
-- In Kandahar's Panjwai district, a combined force confiscated five improvised explosive devices, various IED-making components and about 44 pounds of homemade explosives. The weapons will be destroyed at a later date.
-- A combined force captured two Taliban facilitators in Kandahar's Maiwand district. The facilitators distributed weapons, coordinated the movement of insurgent fighters, and planned and conducted attacks against coalition forces.
-- In Kandahar's Ghorak district, a combined force captured a Taliban facilitator and detained two additional suspected insurgents. The facilitator financed the purchase of explosives and distributed bomb-making materials to insurgents for use in attacks against coalition forces. The force also seized about 15 pounds of heroin.
-- A combined force Paktia province's Zurmat district captured a Haqqani facilitator and detained a suspected insurgent. The facilitator conducted attacks against coalition forces. The security force also confiscated weapons and bomb-making materials.
-- In Nangarhar province's Surkh Rod district, a combined force captured a Taliban facilitator who directed a group of insurgent fighters in multiple attacks against Afghan forces. The force also detained a suspected insurgent and seized various weapons and bomb-making materials.
-- A combined force in Logar province's Pul-e Alam district captured a Haqqani leader and detained two suspected insurgents. The leader coordinated attacks against Afghan forces and procured weapons and bomb-making materials for insurgent fighters.
In other operations:
In Helmand province's Nahr-e Saraj district, a combined force discovered and destroyed six IEDs, six anti-personnel mines and two jugs filled with homemade explosives Jan. 7.
-- A combined force in Nangarhar province's Khugyani district confiscated 880 pounds of explosive materials Jan. 7. They will be destroyed at a later date. The force also detained two suspected insurgents during the operation.
-- In Khost province's Sabari district, a combined force confiscated six mortar rounds, 13 recoilless rifles and 19 grenades Jan. 7. The weapons will be destroyed at a later date.
-- A combined force captured a senior Taliban network facilitator named Mashahud during a security operation in Nangarhar's Surkh Rod district Jan. 1. Mashahud is a well-known weapons facilitator who planned large-scale attacks against the local populace throughout the region. He also has been linked to a Dec. 21 bomb attack that killed five people in Ghazni.
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