Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22, 2010 - Numerous insurgents were killed or captured in recent partnered operations conducted by Afghan and coalition forces in various provinces of Afghanistan, military officials reported.
-- Afghan and coalition forces killed 25 to 30 insurgents during an engagement near a combat outpost in Khost province's Sperah district yesterday. The engagement occurred after insurgent forces attacked the combined force with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades. After positively identifying the insurgents maneuvering to attack the outpost, Afghan and coalition forces called for support from an attack weapons team, which engaged the insurgent firing positions, resulting in the insurgent casualties.
-- Today in Khost, a tip led Afghan and coalition forces to detain several insurgents known to facilitate roadside-bomb attacks.
-- In Ghazni province overnight, Afghan and coalition security forces captured a high-level Taliban facilitator who planned and coordinated attacks targeting recent elections. The facilitator, who is associated with foreign fighters, was detained during an intelligence-driven and Afghan-led operation. The security force found and destroyed automatic weapons, grenades, ammunition magazines and a shotgun at the scene.
-- Multiple intelligence reports and tips from local residents led Afghan and coalition forces to a suspected insurgent compound associated with a high-level Taliban target in central Helmand province yesterday. One insurgent was killed and several more were detained during the operation. The insurgent was killed when he tried to engage the combined forces as they were moving to secure the targeted compound. The target of the search was a member of the Taliban military commission who has a number of significant subcommanders, officials said. He also is a key facilitator of ammunition and weapons and has claimed responsibility for attacks on Afghan and coalition forces throughout the province's Lashkah Ghar district.
-- International Security Assistance Force officials confirmed an Afghan and coalition security force killed Abdul Ahad, who planned suicide-bomber attacks, in central Helmand yesterday. In addition to planning attacks, officials said, Ahad also commanded a local Taliban cell. Acting on tips from Afghan civilians and intelligence reports, the security force also detained several suspected insurgents during the operation and killed two armed insurgents who ran away from the compound to a nearby wooded area and presented hostile intent.
-- Also in Helmand, several insurgents were targeted today when they were seen arming roadside bombs and firing mortars at Afghan and coalition forces. Two armed insurgents were seen arming bombs on a road, then camouflaging their motorcycle and hiding in an area overlooking the road. Afghan and coalition forces approached them, and the insurgents were killed when they attempted to engage the force. A nearby group of insurgents that appeared to be supporting the bomb-planting team engaged the force with mortar fire. Due to the terrain and position of the insurgent mortar team, the Afghan and coalition force was unable to engage with direct-fire weapons, so they called for close-air support. The resulting air strike killed one insurgent and wounded another. The wounded insurgent was treated for his injuries and taken by Afghan authorities for processing.
-- Afghan and coalition security forces apprehended three suspected insurgents in Helmand province yesterday while in pursuit of a Taliban commander operating in Marja who facilitates supplies for area fighters. The security force also found 45 pounds of wet opium, which often is sold to fund the insurgency.
-- Acting on tips from Afghan civilians and intelligence reports, an Afghan and coalition security force detained three suspected insurgents in central Helmand yesterday. As the security force was securing the suspected insurgent compound, two armed insurgents were seen running to a nearby wooded area. When the two insurgents showed hostile intent, the security force shot and killed them.
-- Afghan and coalition security forces captured a Taliban commander in Logar province yesterday who directed complex attacks against Afghan civilians and Afghan and coalition forces. He also commanded fighters in Logar affiliated with Hezb-E Gulbuddin, a group seeking to establish a fundamentalist caliphate in Afghanistan. Two of his associates also were detained, and the security force destroyed grenades, an assault rifle and bomb-making materials found at the scene.
-- A partnered Afghan and ISAF patrol conducted a precision air strike in on the outskirts of Kandahar City in southern Afghanistan yesterday, killing six insurgents who had fired mortars on their position during dismounted operations. A search of the area yielded four roadside bombs and 40 pounds of explosive material.
-- Afghan and coalition security forces captured two Taliban facilitators operating in Kandahar City during an overnight operation in Kandahar province. The security force first targeted a facilitator known to distribute military equipment and roadside bombs to area Taliban fighters. After questioning residents at the scene, the security force identified and detained the facilitator, along with several of his associates. The security force then targeted a nearby compound in pursuit of the second facilitator, responsible for collecting information relevant to the Taliban information campaign in Kandahar City. After questioning residents at the scene, the security force identified and detained him.
-- Acting on a tip, an Afghan and coalition security force found and cleared nearly about 15 pounds of explosives hidden in a clock in a mosque in Kandahar City today.
-- Acting on multiple intelligence reports and tips from Afghan civilians, an Afghan and coalition security force detained a senior Taliban commander in Kunduz province yesterday. Maulawi Roshan is a known senior Taliban command in the Gore Tapa area of Kunduz, as well as six surrounding districts. He is reported to be a senior member of the Taliban provincial commission and acts as an illegitimate judge for the Taliban in the area. He has also been the deputy to the shadow governor of Kunduz province and has strong ties to senior Taliban leadership in Pakistan. He also has been linked to a wide range of criminal activities, including setting up illegal checkpoints to extort money from Afghan citizens to finance insurgent activities. With his unique ties to Pakistan, he also is a vital link in the facilitation of materials for roadside bombs and recruiting suicide bombers, officials said.
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