Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21, 2011 - A precision airstrike killed numerous insurgents today during a combined Afghan and coalition operation in the Tarnek wa Jaldak district of Afghanistan's Zabul province, military officials reported.
Following the airstrike, the security force recovered several assault rifles, some rocket-propelled grenades, two machine guns with 400 rounds of ammunition, several grenades, ammunition pouches, and one 82mm recoilless rifle.
Two suspected insurgents were detained during the operation, which targeted a group of Taliban fighters. No civilians were harmed during the operation.
In other Afghanistan operations today:
-- Several suspects were detained by a combined force during a search for a Taliban leader in the Musa Qal'ah district of Helmand province. The leader coordinates shipments of explosives and weapons in support of insurgent operations.
-- A combined force captured a Haqqani network facilitator and two suspects during a search in the Sabari district of Khost province. The facilitator planned and coordinated attacks against Afghan forces, and distributed roadside bombs and other weapons throughout the Sabari district.
-- In a separate operation also in the Sabari district of Khost province, a combined force captured another Haqqani network facilitator and one suspect. The facilitator distributed weapons, supplies and equipment to other insurgents, and planned attacks against Afghan forces.
In Afghanistan operations yesterday:
-- Combined forces detained two suspects and seized two weapons caches during separate operations throughout eastern Afghanistan. Two suspects were detained in the Pul-e Alam district of Logar province after they'd fired at coalition forces. In the Dehyak district of Ghazni province, combined forces found a cache containing two 60mm mortar rounds, one 12-gauge shotgun and 90 rounds of assorted ammunition. In the Qalander district of Khowst province, forces found a cache containing eight 82mm recoilless rifle rounds, three landmines, 250 other rifle rounds and nine rocket-propelled grenades. And in the Sayyidabad district of Wardak province, forces found a video camera that was observing local road traffic.
-- A combined force detained an insurgent leader in the Khoshi district of Logar province. The detainee is a known insurgent commander and facilitator responsible for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- In the Qalandar district of Khost province, a combined patrol discovered a weapons cache containing eight 82mm recoilless rifle rounds, nine rocket-propelled grenades, three landmines, and 250 12.7mm rounds.
In Oct. 19 Afghanistan operations:
-- A combined patrol discovered a damaged coalition vehicle and a storage container in a civilian compound in the Kandahar district of Kandahar province. The patrol also found a weapons cache containing three assault rifles, one shotgun, one hand grenade, 15 assault rifle magazines, and 450 7.62mm rounds.
-- A combined patrol detained an insurgent leader in the Lashkar Gah district of Helmand province. The leader is responsible for planning attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
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