Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19, 2011 - A combined Afghan and coalition security force killed numerous insurgents and detained several suspects during a search for a Taliban facilitator in the Kajaki district of Afghanistan's Helmand province yesterday, military officials reported.
The insurgent facilitator leads attacks against helicopters, and directs rocket-propelled grenade, machine gun and roadside-bomb attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
Multiple assault rifles were confiscated during the operation.
In other Afghanistan operations yesterday:
-- A combined force captured a Taliban leader in the Baghlan-e Jadid district of Baghlan province. The leader distributed funds and supplies for insurgent activity and conducted attacks against Afghan forces in the region.
-- A coalition force discovered an improvised explosive device cache in the Shah Joy district of Zabul province. The cache contained three remote controlled IEDs with 114 pounds of homemade explosives, two 82mm recoilless rifle rounds, and IED making components.
-- In the Sherzad district of Nangarhar province, a combined force killed one insurgent and detained multiple suspects during a search for a Taliban leader. The leader operates in the Sherzad and Khugyani districts and is involved in ambush attacks against Afghan forces.
-- A combined force carried out an airstrike in the Gomal district of Paktika province, killing two insurgents. The target of the operation was an insurgent network leader who plans and conducts attacks against coalition forces in the Sarobi and Orgun districts.
-- In the Manduzai district of Khost province, a combined force detained multiple suspects during a search for an insurgent network leader. The leader plans and participates in attacks against Afghan forces in Khost province.
-- A combined force captured an insurgent network leader and one suspect in the Ahmadabad district of Paktiya province. The insurgent leader directed fighters in roadside bomb and suicide attacks.
-- Afghan and coalition forces killed four insurgents, detained three suspects, and seized weapons during separate operations in Regional Command East. Three insurgents were killed during an airstrike in the Nari district of Kunar province. Another insurgent was killed during an airstrike in the Asmar district of Kunar province. In Khowst province, coalition forces seized a cache containing one shotgun, three assault rifles, 12 hand grenades and about 200 rounds of ammunition.
-- A combined Afghan and International Security Assistance Force patrol killed a senior insurgent leader during an operation in the Khak-E Afghan district of Zabul province. The deceased leader commanded 20 to 30 insurgents, providing IED products and other lethal aid. He planned, coordinated and conducted numerous attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Zabul province.
-- In the Khas Uruzgan district of Uruzgan province, a combined patrol seized a weapons cache containing 700 7.62mm rounds, one rifle and several magazines.
In Oct. 17 Afghanistan operations:
-- A combined patrol detained several insurgents in the Musa Qal'Ah district of Helmand province and seized 22 pounds of opium, IED components, and small arms.
-- A combined patrol detained two insurgents, including a suspected insurgent leader, in the Khoshi district of Logar province. The leader is responsible for supplying lethal aid used in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- In the Muhammad Aghah district of Logar province, a combined patrol detained two insurgents, including a suspected insurgent leader. The leader is an improvised explosives device facilitator responsible for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
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