From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release
KABUL, Afghanistan, Aug. 12, 2011 - A combined Afghan and coalition force killed two insurgents and detained several more yesterday during a security operation targeting a Taliban facilitator and his suicide-attack network in the Baghlan-e Jadid district of Afghanistan's Baghlan province, military officials reported.
The facilitator is responsible for harboring suicide bombers in preparation for an attack on provincial government officials.
While searching for the leader, the security force came across two armed insurgents who threatened the force. Responding to the threat, the security force engaged the two men, killing them.
The security force also detained multiple other suspected insurgents, including the would-be suicide bomber who was to carry out the attack against government officials.
The security force confiscated a rocket-propelled grenade launcher and multiple assault rifles.
In other Afghanistan operations yesterday:
-- A combined Afghan and coalition force detained a Taliban leader and another suspected insurgent during a security operation in Kandahar city in Kandahar province. The leader was responsible for overseeing the construction and emplacement of roadside bombs.
-- A combined Afghan and coalition security force detained multiple suspects during an operation targeting a Taliban leader in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand province. The leader directs a Taliban cell in the district, and is responsible for roadside-bomb and small-arms attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. The security force also found 500 pounds of ammonium nitrate - a banned fertilizer used in homemade explosives -- and explosive bomb-making device.
-- A combined Afghan and coalition force captured a Haqqani terrorist network leader and an associate in the Zurmat district of Paktia province. The detained leader participated in roadside bomb and other attacks against Afghan forces.
-- Also in the Zurmat district, a combined Afghan and coalition security force detained several suspects during a search for a Haqqani network leader who coordinates roadside bomb and other attacks against the Afghan army.
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