From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release
KABUL, Afghanistan, Aug. 11, 2011 - Afghan and coalition forces detained multiple insurgent fighters in security operations throughout Afghanistan yesterday, military officials reported.
In the Maiwand district of Kandahar province, a combined force detained a Taliban leader and two of his associates. The leader coordinated attacks and distributed lethal aid to insurgents in the province's Panjwai district.
In other recent operations:
-- A combined force in Kandahar province's provincial capital yesterday detained a Taliban operator responsible for acquiring and distributing lethal weapons to insurgents in the Zhari and Panjwai districts, along with one of his associates.
-- In Helmand province's Nahr-e Saraj district, a combined force detained several suspected insurgents yesterday during an operation targeting a Taliban leader who builds roadside bombs, provides logistical support to other leaders and reports to Taliban leaders in Pakistan.
-- Also in Helmand, a combined patrol detained two insurgents in the Nad-e Ali district Aug. 9. The patrol seized 159 pounds of opium and a suicide vest. The narcotics were safely destroyed.
-- A combined force detained two suspected insurgents during a search for a Taliban member in the Shah Joy district of Zabul province. The man is responsible for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
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