Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8, 2011 - A combined Afghan and International Security Assistance Force patrol killed several insurgents and detained numerous others in the Mya Neshin district of Afghanistan's Kandahar province yesterday, military officials reported.
The insurgent leader targeted in the operation facilitates attacks against Afghan and coalition forces, officials said.
Today in Kandahar province's Panjwai district, coalition forces found and destroyed 705 pounds of homemade explosives.
Also today, a coalition patrol approached a group of Afghan civilians who had found a cache of munitions. The Afghans turned the cache over to coalition forces without incident. The cache consisted of nine artillery shells, a hand grenade and 40 fuses.
In operations around Afghanistan yesterday:
-- A combined vehicle interdiction operation in Nimroz province's Khash Rod district resulted in the seizure and destruction of 353 pounds of opium, 88 pounds of precursor chemicals and some drug-making equipment.
-- A combined patrol found and destroyed 331 pounds of opium, small-arms ammunition and bomb components in Nangahar province's Achin district.
-- In Kapisa province's Tagab district, a combined patrol seized three rockets, three hand grenades, an assault rifle, seven assault-rifle magazines and 710 7.62mm rounds.
-- A combined force in Khost province's Gurbuz district seized three rockets, three rocket-propelled grenade launchers and an anti-tank mine.
-- A combined force killed two insurgents in Ghazni province's Wali Muhammad Shahid Khugyani district. The security force was searching for a Taliban facilitator when they were attacked by multiple insurgents. The security force returned fire, killing two insurgents. During the search, one of the insurgents tried to use a child as a human shield. The force was able to safeguard the child. Following the engagement, numerous suspected insurgents were detained for questioning. The force confiscated blasting caps used for roadside bombs, grenades, assault rifles and chest racks.
-- In Kandahar province's Panjwai district, a combined force detained several suspected insurgents while searching for a Taliban facilitator responsible for receiving and distributing supplies for insurgents in the district.
-- A combined Afghan and coalition security force in Paktia province's Zurmat district killed numerous Taliban insurgents during a search for a Taliban leader who directs key facilitators, plans attacks, coordinates operations and has been implicated in a July 5 attack resulting in the deaths of three U.S. soldiers. Several insurgents, who earlier in the day had forced their way into the home of a local resident, fired at the security force using machine guns and assault rifles. The force returned fire, killing the insurgents.
-- Also in Paktia province, a combined force detained several suspected Haqqani terrorist network insurgents in the Zurmat district. The target of this operation was a Haqqani leader who coordinates roadside-bomb attacks and provides support to Haqqani fighters.
In other news, a combined patrol in Helmand province's Lashkar Gah district detained several insurgents Aug. 6 while searching for an insurgent leader responsible for multiple attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
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