International Security Assistance Force
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1, 2011 - A combined Afghan and coalition security force detained several suspected insurgents during an operation in the Washer district of Afghanistan's Helmand province yesterday, military officials reported.
The force was searching for a senior Taliban leader who is responsible for providing attack guidance to subordinate insurgents.
In other operations yesterday:
-- A combined force in Kandahar province detained a Taliban leader in Kandahar City. The leader was responsible for coordinating roadside-bomb attacks against Afghan forces.
-- In Zabul province's Shah Joy district, a combined force detained a suspected insurgent while searching for a Taliban leader responsible for roadside-bomb attacks.
-- A combined force in Paktia province's Zurmat district detained several suspected insurgents while searching for a Haqqani terrorist network leader who directs attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- Also in Paktia, security combined force detained two suspected insurgents while searching in the Dzadran district for a Haqqani network leader responsible for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- In Paktika province's Mata Khan district, a combined force detained a suspected insurgent while searching for a Taliban facilitator who finances insurgent attacks and provides safe haven for senior insurgent leaders.
In July 30 operations:
-- A combined security force killed several insurgents and detained two suspects in Helmand province's Kajaki district while looking for a Taliban financier who works with narcotics suppliers and insurgent commanders to finance Taliban operations. As the security force searched for the financier, they noticed several men setting up a machine-gun attack and killed them.
-- In Faryab province's Shirin Tagab district, a combined force acting on tips from local residents killed several insurgents who were planning an ambush. The force followed intelligence leads to the insurgent operating location, where they noticed several men preparing for the ambush on a separate combined force. After assessing a threat, the security force fired at the would-be attackers, killing several. Other suspected insurgents were detained for further questioning.
-- A combined force in Takhar province's Taloqan district detained several suspected insurgents while searching for an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan terrorist organization suicide-attack coordinator and planner.
-- A clearance operation targeting a Taliban safe haven in Helmand province's Kajaki district resulted in a combined force detaining numerous suspected insurgents while clearing a known enemy narcotics trafficking area. After leaving the area, the force was attacked with small-arms and rocket-propelled grenade fire from a nearby bunker. The force responded with small-arms fire and close air support, destroying the bunker.
-- In Kandahar province's Dand district, a combined force captured a Taliban facilitator and another suspected insurgent during a night security operation. The captured facilitator was responsible for coordinating weapons for Taliban cells operating in eastern Panjwai district.
-- A combined force detained two suspected insurgents in Zabul province's Qalat district while searching for a Taliban leader responsible for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- In Kandahar province's Spin Boldak district, a combined security force found and seized more than 200 munitions, including rocket propelled grenades, mortar rounds, grenades, anti-tank rounds and rocket boosters.
-- A combined force detained several suspected insurgents in Laghman province's Dowlat district while searching for a Taliban facilitator who coordinates attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. Though women and children came out when the force called for people to exit the buildings in the targeted compound, two men refused to comply and remained inside. Local women assisted the security force in calling for the men to come out, but they refused to leave, and the security force entered to apprehend them peacefully. One of the men was killed when he charged the security force, displaying hostile intent. It was later discovered that he was unarmed. Three people with suspected Taliban ties were detained. The force found and confiscated weapons and munitions and destroyed 30 pounds of wet opium.
-- In Khost province's Terayzai district, a combined force detained two suspected insurgents while searching for a Haqqani network leader who directs attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
-- A combined force in Paktia province's Zurmat district captured a Haqqani network leader responsible for coordinating roadside-bomb attacks supplying and storing bomb-making materials for other insurgents.
-- In the same district, a combined force detained a suspected insurgent while searching for a Haqqani network leader who conducts, coordinates and directs roadside-bomb and indirect-fire attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
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