From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release
KABUL, Afghanistan, June 16, 2011 - A combined Afghan and coalition security force killed two armed insurgents and detained several suspects during a nighttime security operation in the Mota Khan district of Afghanistan's Paktika province yesterday, military officials reported.
The Afghan-led security force encountered the armed insurgents while searching for a Haqqani terrorist network facilitator. The facilitator is a roadside and car bomb expert who conducts, coordinates and directs attacks against Afghan and coalition forces within the district.
After arriving at the suspected location, the force noticed several armed individuals fleeing the area. The suspected insurgents fired on the security force as they were pursued. The security force opened fire, killing two insurgents. One of the individuals was wearing a suicide vest and had multiple grenades, assault rifles and chest racks.
The force also seized several homemade explosives, blasting caps and detonation cord.
In other operations in Afghanistan yesterday:
-- Based on intelligence reports, an Afghan-led force in Jowzjan province's Qush Tepah district captured a Taliban facilitator while searching for an insurgent leader who is the Taliban-appointed governing official for operations in the province and conducts attacks on Afghan forces. The force detained two individuals with suspected ties to Taliban activity.
-- A combined force in Kandahar province's Kandahar City captured a Taliban facilitator who acquired roadside bomb-making materials for construction and distribution throughout Kandahar City.
-- A combined force detained several suspected Taliban insurgents in Kandahar province's Zharay district while searching for a Taliban leader who directs insurgents responsible for attacks on Nakhonay Village. He also operates in Salawat and Zalakhan in Kandahar province's Panjwa'i district.
-- Based on intelligence tips, a combined force detained two suspected insurgents while searching for two Taliban facilitators in Helmand province's Marjah district. The facilitators are responsible for purchasing roadside bomb-making materials and using their shop as a bed-down facility for Taliban insurgents.
-- In Zabul province's Tarnek wa Jaldek district, a coalition force observed several armed insurgents planting a roadside bomb. After gaining positive identification, an air weapons team engaged the position, killing five insurgents.
-- A combined force in Logar province's Charkh district detained several individuals with suspected ties to the Haqqani terrorist network while searching for a Haqqani facilitator responsible for conducting attacks against Afghan and coalition forces, and coordinating fighter and weapons movements in the district.
-- In the Nangarhar province's Sherzad district, a combined force captured several individuals with suspected ties to insurgent activity while searching for a Taliban facilitator who supports a roadside bomb cell that targets Afghan government officials in Khugyani district's Memla Village. In addition, the force destroyed 80 pounds of opium.
-- In Khost province's Sabari district, an Afghan-led force captured a Haqqani network leader and two of his associates. The leader targets Afghan forces with roadside bombs and direct attacks, and also purchased weapons and equipment for other insurgents.
-- A combined force in Nangarhar province's Hisarak district found 47 20 mm rounds, 41 12.7 mm rounds, 17 fuses and 119 pounds of hashish.
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