Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, May 17, 2011 - A combined Afghan and coalition force captured a Taliban roadside bomb facilitator, along with several other suspected insurgents, in the Panjwai district of Afghanistan's Kandahar province yesterday, military officials reported.
Based on numerous intelligence reports, the combined security force searched for the suspect at a compound in the district. Following interviews with residents, the combined force identified and detained the man and several of his associates.
In other operations yesterday:
-- A combined force acting on intelligence reports captured a Taliban facilitator and two suspected insurgents in Helmand province's Sangin district. The facilitator provided guidance and helped insurgents conduct attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout northern Helmand.
-- In Khost province's Sabari district, a combined force detained several insurgents while searching for a Haqqani terrorist network facilitator in an intelligence-driven operation.
-- A combined force in Khost province's Musa Khel district detained numerous suspected insurgents while searching for a Haqqani network leader.
-- Afghan and coalition forces detained several insurgents at a bazaar in Nangarhar province's Khogyani district. A group of insurgents attacked the combined forces at the Wazir Bazaar with small-arms fire before escaping into a nearby tree line. The combined force returned fire, suppressing the insurgents and injuring two in the process. More than 10 suspected insurgents were detained for further questioning.
-- A combined force found and confiscated 11 120 mm mortar rounds in Kandahar province's Arghandab district.
-- In Kandahar's Zharay district, insurgents engaged a combined patrol, then broke contact when the force returned fire. Following the attack, the patrol found and destroyed 220 pounds of opium.
In May 15 operations:
-- A combined operation resulted in the death of five insurgents in Kapisa province's Tagab district. The operation was in response to a call for aid from a checkpoint that was under attack from insurgents. The combined force came under fire when it arrived, and killed the insurgents with return fire.
-- A combined operation resulted in discovery of 705 pounds of opium in Farah province's Lash-E Juwain district. A suspect was detained, and the combined force destroyed the opium.
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