Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases
WASHINGTON, May 2, 2011 - A combined force killed numerous armed fighters in a gun battle yesterday in the Doshi district of Afghanistan's Baghlan province, military officials reported.
Security forces were searching for a Taliban leader and bomb expert who reportedly commands 30 insurgent fighters.
The troops came under fire at what intelligence reports indicated was the leader's compound, but were able to repel the attackers with small-arms fire, officials said.
In other operations yesterday throughout Afghanistan:
-- Afghan and coalition forces killed an armed combatant and detained two suspected insurgents while searching for a senior Taliban leader in Badghis province's Murghab district.
-- In Helmand province's Now Zad district, troops captured numerous suspected insurgents, including a Taliban weapons trafficker.
-- Security forces detained several suspected insurgents in Ghazni province's Gelan district in an operation to disrupt Taliban safe havens. A Taliban leader responsible for several bombing cells is connected to the area's safe havens.
-- Forces detained a suspected insurgent while searching for a Haqqani terrorist network weapons smuggler in Khost province's Khost district.
-- In Logar province's Pul-e Alam district, forces detained a suspected Taliban leader allegedly responsible for planting roadside bombs and for launching indirect-fire attacks on security forces.
-- Combined forces found several weapons and drug stockpiles throughout Afghanistan. Operations resulted in seizure of 600 assault rifle rounds, 441 pounds of dry opium, 330 pounds of morphine, 30 pounds of black tar heroin and 18 quarts of liquid opium.
In operations April 30:
-- Security forces killed several enemy fighters and detained two suspected insurgents after their outpost in Paktika province's Giyan district was attacked.
-- Forces killed an insurgent leader responsible for kidnappings and weapons trafficking after he attempted to evade security forces in Helmand province's Nad-e Ali district.
-- Afghan and coalition forces captured three suspected Taliban, including a Taliban leader and recent Sarpoza prison escapee in Kandahar province's Zharay district. The leader is responsible for directing bombings and other attacks on security forces.
-- Combined operations resulted in seizure of 1,100 pounds of ammonium nitrate -- a banned fertilizer used in explosive devices -- as well as 900 assault rifle rounds, 535 pounds of dry opium, 300 rockets, 225 blasting caps, 125 land mines, 100 mortar rounds and 15 anti-tank mines.
In operations April 29:
-- Security forces detained several suspected insurgents while searching for a Haqqani terrorist network leader in Khost province's Sabari district.
-- Combined forces captured several suspected insurgents in Faryab province's Shirin Tagab district while searching for a Taliban safe haven used to plan bombing attacks in the area.
-- Afghan and coalition forces in Wardak province's Sayyidabad district captured two suspected insurgents, including a Taliban fighter who reportedly has participated in several attacks on security forces.
-- Forces in Logar province's Baraki Barak district detained a Taliban financier and weapons supplier.
-- In Ghazni province's Khwajah Omari district, troops captured a Taliban weapons trafficker.
-- Security forces found several weapons and drug caches throughout the country, which included 900 pounds of dry opium, 110 pounds of marijuana, 58 electrical detonators, detonation cord and assorted bomb-making materials.
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