My personal mission is to ensure that all
Veterans feel valued, receive the same Veteran/customer experience at
every VA facility, and help rebuild trust in the VA that provides us
with benefits, services and healthcare.
The 2016 National Veterans Summer Sports Clinic was
held this past week, Sept 18 – 23, at the VA San Diego Healthcare System in San
Diego, California. The annual event attracts Veterans from all over the
country who have sustained injuries ranging from traumatic brain injury
and polytrauma, to spinal cord injury or loss of limb.
NCA cemetery director commemorates legacy of Hispanic-American
Medal of Honor recipients
National Cemetery Administration
cemetery directors have one of the best jobs in VA. We get to experience
and witness significant events from a front row seat, on a daily basis.
A few months ago I attended a truly memorable service.
Arnold joined the Coast Guard at a crossroads
in his life. Already well regarded as an amateur golfer at Wake Forest
University, a personal tragedy led him to rethink his priorities.
Nominate a special Veteran
as #VeteranOfTheDay
easy to nominate a Veteran. All it takes is an email to us with as much
information as you can put together. Click on the picture to the left
for an overview of how to put together a great #VeteranOfTheDay