Veterans Health Care
December 26, 2024
Find daily care through VA's Medical Foster Homes
Foster Homes are a unique alternative to nursing homes, allowing
Veterans of all ages to live in a home-like environment while receiving
personalized care.
Get ahead of winter emergencies
weather can be dangerous and unpredictable. Snow, ice, and freezing
temperatures can create risky conditions that can lead to unexpected
injuries and accidents. Follow these tips to stay safe and be prepared.
VA's innovative cancer care
VA is using a new type of treatment for Veterans suffering from certain
cancers and tumors called theranostics. This groundbreaking approach
allows physicians to attack cancers directly without compromising the
patient's whole system.
Delivering emergency care to Veterans at home
Health Connect provides Veterans with 24/7 virtual care, including
tele-emergency support. Christa Seals experienced this firsthand when
her worsening cough led her to connect with a nurse through this VA