At the Center for Strategic &
International Studies McDonald discussed some of the
challenges the VA has faced within the past few years, what has already
been done during his time in office and his plan for the future of VA.
It took Timothy Jones over a decade to
get back his life after experiencing military sexual trauma, but with personal
motivation, assistance from VA and a strong support system, he stood on
his story and made it a platform for his recovery.
Carson won for her cognitive, electronic application idea called TECi,
which stands for Trusted, Empathic, Calming, and Insightful, that will
serve Veterans as a trusted companion by learning, understanding, and
interacting with them during rehabilitation and recovery of their injuries.
Instagram - Top Veteran pictures
from around the country
week we honor Donna Marie Wanshon. Donna joined the
Air Force at age 40 as a social worker in mental health. She did a lot
of humanitarian work during deployments,
including working with the women and children’s domestic violence
house, children’s cancer center, orphanages and Babushkas (elderly
women from Russia).
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as #VeteranOfTheDay
easy to nominate a Veteran. All it takes is an email to us with as much
information as you can put together. Click on the picture to the left
for an overview of how to put together a great #VeteranOfTheDay
a Veteran question? Ask us on Twitter using the hashtag #VetQ