Dr. Michael E. DeBakey was one of the
most influential and innovative heart doctors in the United States. He
served his country, saved tens of thousands of lives (including his own),
and completely revolutionized the way surgeons work on the human
Seventh grader writes local
paper: Pay respect to the Veterans who earned
"As the speaker talked, I began
crying. I have been to the National Vietnam Memorial. I have seen my
cousins’ names on the wall. I have seen how this war caused PTSD in
two of my uncles. After the ceremony and after taps was played, I gave
the speaker a hug, and I cried."
people, two Veterans, one goal – “Bring awareness to PTSD by giving love
back to humanity one hug at a time.” With approximately 132 facilities
still to visit, the Human Hug Project may soon be coming to a VA medical center near you.
Instagram - Top Veteran pictures from
around the country
week we honor Joe Medicine Crow. Joe served the U.S.
Army during World War II as an infantry Soldier with the 103rd Infantry
Division. Joe fought bravely during World War II, wearing his Crow Nation war paint under his Army
uniform and earning the Bronze Star Medal as well as the
French Legion d’Honneur.
Nominate a special Veteran as
easy to nominate a Veteran. All it takes is an email to us with as much
information as you can put together. Click on the picture to the left for
an overview of how to put together a great #VeteranOfTheDay package.
a Veteran question? Ask us on Twitter using the hashtag #VetQ