Copayment debt relief available to Veterans
of copayments for VA medical and pharmacy services resumed on Oct. 1,
2021. If this is a concern for you, VA has debt relief programs
available. Think about applying as soon as possible.
Why is the booster important right now?
COVID-19 cases rise, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re
up to date on your vaccinations. Do it to protect yourself, your family,
and your community.
Visit your local VA facility or community care provider to get your free vaccination or booster.
Better sleep can help Veterans with PTSD
PTSD and sleep are so closely linked that treating sleep issues can make PTSD treatment more effective.
Try paced breathing to relieve stress and anxiety
Paced breathing has the potential to calm your mind and body when you’re feeling overly exerted, anxious, or distressed.