VA Releases 2016 Veteran Suicide Data:
The newest and most recent data for veteran suicide was released by VA on Wednesday, which includes suicide data up to 2016. While there were no statistically significant differences in veteran suicide from 2015 to 2016, there were some varying trends when comparing 2014, 2015 and 2016. Overall, the average number of deaths by suicide is still roughly 20 veterans per day. This recent release also clarifies that the 20 deaths are not strictly for veterans –– it is inclusive of veterans, active-duty service members and members of the Guard or Reserve who were never activated. As the number of nonveteran suicide deaths continues to increase within the United States, veteran suicides have remained relatively steady and actually decreased by 202 from 2015 to 2016. The report found a slight increase in death by suicide in veterans ages 18-34. The study’s data also maintains that veterans who do not use VA health care are at increased risk of suicide. Learn more or read the VA National Suicide Data Report 2005-2016.
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