stand ready 24/7, every day of the year, serving Veterans as their
family – because trauma doesn’t take a holiday. Call 1-800-273-8255 and
Press 1 or send a text message to 838255
Christmas Eve 1944, Private Burnett Miller was stationed in
France. Private Miller wrote to his mother, “It’s the evening
before Christmas, but it’s quite hard to realize this. I’ll just
sort of skip this year and we’ll all celebrate twice as much next
year.” Less than a week later, he saw combat for the first time
southwest of Bastogne.
[VIDEO] These Veterans
fought through the holidays during the Battle of the Bulge
Instagram - Top Veteran pictures
from around the country
your no-cost Flu Shot at Walgreens or VA! Show your VAID and the code in
this article.
Cashe served the U.S. Army as an infantryman with the 15th Infantry
Regiment from 1989-2005. He passed away from complications directly
related to the wounds he received... read more.
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