Forces Kill Several Taliban Insurgents

Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases

WASHINGTON, April 5, 2011 - An Afghan and coalition force killed several Taliban insurgents and detained several suspected insurgents yesterday in the Sayad district of Afghanistan's Sar-e Pul province, military officials reported.

The target of the operation was a Taliban insurgent who is the shadow governor for Sar-e Pul province and the key power broker in the north. He has ties to foreign fighter facilitation and suicide training camps operating in the province.

In other operations yesterday:

-- A combined Afghan and coalition force detained numerous suspected insurgents while searching for a Taliban facilitator in the Baghlan-e Jadid district of Baghlan province. The facilitator provides logistics for the Taliban. He works with his brother to transfer suicide vests, improvised-explosive-device supplies and ammunition.

-- An Afghan and coalition force captured a Taliban leader during a security operation in Kandahar City, Kandahar province. The leader planned, prepared and executed attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.

-- A combined Afghan and coalition force killed several insurgents during a security operation in Nawah district, Ghanzi province. The security forces conducted a raid to disrupt Taliban network cells in the district. The target was a Taliban leader who coordinates IED and other attacks.

-- In Khost province, a combined Afghan and coalition force captured a Hezb-E Islami Gulbuddin facilitator in Sabari district. The facilitator is responsible for assisting in the emplacement of IEDs as well as assisting Hezb-E Islami Gulbuddin insurgents through reconnaissance.

-- An Afghan and coalition force captured a Taliban leader and detained one suspected insurgent during a security operation in Logar province's Pul-E Alam district. The targeted man planned and coordinated attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.

-- ISAF confirmed the April 2 capture of a Taliban facilitator during a security operation in Khugyani district, Nangarhar province. The facilitator is involved in coordinating attacks throughout Jalalabad district, to include high-profile attacks, and he maintains close connections with multiple Taliban leaders. Also confirmed was the April 2 capture of a Haqqani senior leader during a raid in the Gardez district of Paktiya province. The Haqqani senior leader was responsible for planning attacks against coalition forces and transporting IED materials and fighters from Pakistan.

-- Afghan and coalition forces killed two insurgents during a clearing operation in Helmand province's Sangin district.

-- Afghan and coalition forces discovered a weapons cache in Kandahar province's Panjwa'i district. The cache contained three AK-47 rifles, 1,020 7.62 mm rounds, 14 full AK-47 magazines, nine rockets, four chest racks, nine pressure plates and several cell phones.

-- A combined security patrol found a weapons cache consisting of 23 rocket-propelled grenade rounds during an operation in Kabul province's Paghman district. The weapons will be destroyed.

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